Posted by: Linda Wolf
It is always such a pleasure to host writers, musicians and bloggers at our downtown Burlington, Vermont bed and breakfast. As a historic inn we take a lot of pride in our surroundings and love to hear that our guests appreciate our design style. In October we hosted Maria and friends while they made their way through New England, read on to see what they had to say in Conde Nast Traveller Spain:
De la naturalidad rural de Manchester y Londonberry llegamos a la mitología del B&B Made Inn Vermont. Un lugar divertido, accesible, con decorados dignos de una película de Hollywood. Al frente está Linda Wolf, que también merecería su propia película. Una mansión victoriana adaptada a los tiempos con globos de corazones rojos, mimosas de bienvenida y jacuzzi; su diseño urbano nos descoloca en la lejana Burlington. “Me gusta tomarme tiempo en conocer a mis invitados, para mí es una alegría disfrutar de su compañía e incluso doy la bienvenida a sus mascotas”, dice. Su hospitalidad no sólo se aprecia en la decoración, también en sus desayunos, elaborados con productos locales y que resumen a la perfección su teoría de construir una experiencia #Yolo, acrónimo de You Only Live Once (sólo se vive una vez). Al día siguiente nos levantamos temprano. El sol aparece por primera vez y se impone aprovechar su luz.
From the rural naturality of Manchester and Londonberry we arrive at the mythology of the B & B Made Inn Vermont. A fun, accessible place with decorations worthy of a Hollywood movie. In front is Linda Wolf, who would also deserve her own movie. A Victorian mansion adapted to the times with red heart balloons, welcome mimosas and jacuzzi; its urban design dislodges us in faraway Burlington. “I like to take time to get to know my guests, for me it is a joy to enjoy their company and I even welcome their pets,” he says. Their hospitality is not only appreciated in the decoration, but also in their breakfasts, made with local products and which summarizes perfectly their theory of building an experience #Yolo, acronym for You Only Live Once (only live once ). The next day we got up early. The sun appears for the first time and it is necessary to take advantage of its light.
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